Homelessness Update

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organize to end homelessness
Are you interested in building a local network of leaders who will help you end homelessness in your community?

The Alliance wants to help. We are forming a new working group dedicated to advocacy. It will focus on the sharing and exchange of the resources you will need to engage local and state leaders.
Become a leader »
Sharing your 2017 Point-in-Time Count and Housing Inventory Count data helps the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development track efforts to end homelessness nationwide. Those numbers are then used to guide future funding.

Deadline to submit is Monday, May 1.
Submit your data »
Funding available for behavioral health treatment
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is now accepting applications for grants to fund behavioral health treatment and services for substance use disorders and co-occurring mental and substance use disorders. The grants can also fund permanent housing for people experiencing homelessness.
Apply »
How to integrate coordinated entry with employment
Join the Heartland Alliance on March 20 at 2 p.m. as it highlights ways to connect families to income and employment supports at the most critical intervention point: coordinated entry. Speakers will also share success stories from Houston, Seattle, and Chicago.
Register for the webinar »
homelessness in the media
Hawaii considers bills to legalize camping, expand medical services
Los Angeles approves measure to fund homeless services
Michigan advocates bring message of ending homelessness to elected officials
Orange County, CA releases results of study highlighting cost savings in PSH
from the blog
Ending Homelessness Today
the official blog of the national alliance to end homelessness
Why Now is the Time To Fight for Funding
by Steve Berg
We are ending homelessness, and it is vitally important that the people who work for us in Congress do their critical part to help. They can do this by making homeless assistance a priority in federal spending bills this year. Here are three simple reasons why it needs to be a priority.
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Homelessness and Immigration Enforcement: What You Should Know
by Kathryn Monet
The recent arrests of several undocumented immigrants leaving a hypothermia shelter located in a church in Virginia have prompted many to ask how they can protect the rights of at-risk clients, as well as how to prepare for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) actions. Learn more about what you and your program should do.
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Sanctuary Jurisdictions: What You Need to Know about Executive Order 13768
by Kathryn Monet
Executive Order 13768 has led to much confusion about what it means for cities, counties, and states that may be considered sanctuary jurisdictions. While we are not immigration law experts here at the Alliance, we are sharing what we do know to inform ongoing conversations at the local level.
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About Us

The National Alliance to End Homelessness is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to solving the problem of homelessness and preventing its continued growth.

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Visit the Center for Capacity Building to learn more about the ways the Center can help your community end homelessness.

Sign The Statement

Sign the Never Another Homeless Veteran Statement! »