Through an occasional series, we will explore how different agencies support people to achieve successful housing outcomes and recovery. In our first installment, we talk to Rachel Post, public policy director for Central City Concern in Portland, Oregon.
New England Federal Regional Interagency Council Provides Leadership on Ending Youth Homelessness
The Youth Workgroup of the New England Federal Regional Interagency Council on Homelessness recently gathered more than a hundred leaders from across its 6 states to discuss the road ahead for ending youth homelessness in New England. Josephine Hauer, program specialist at the Administration for Children and Families, recaps some of the lessons learned from the event and the region's priorities going forward.
Missed These Webinars? Recording and Slides Now Available!
Clarifications to the Criteria and Benchmarks for Ending Veteran Homelessness:
Along with HUD and VA, we reviewed and answered questions about the clarifications to the criteria and benchmarks that were released in February. Watch the video or download the slides.
Enhancing Coordinated Entry with Employment: Heartland Alliance highlighted the innovative approaches used by Houston, Seattle, and Chicago to integrate employment and income referral pathways into their coordinated entry systems. Watch the video or download the slides.
Congratulations to the 18 counties that make up the Southwest Minnesota Continuum of Care for ending Veteran homelessness! Contact us to learn how you can add your community to our growing list.