FY 2017 CoC Program Registration Notice is Now Posted and e-snaps is Available

The Notice of Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 Opportunity to Register and Other Important Information for Electronic Application Submission for the Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition is now posted to the HUD Exchange and the e-snaps system is available. Registration forms must be fully completed and submitted by May 1, 2017, by 8:00 pm Eastern Time (ET).
The FY 2017 CoC Program Registration Notice provides Collaborative Applicants with the information necessary to register CoCs in preparation for the FY 2017 CoC Program Competition. The registration process described within the Notice applies only to Collaborative Applicants who will register to submit the CoC Consolidated Application for FY 2017 CoC Program funds that includes the CoC Application, the CoC Priority Listing, and project applications. HUD strongly encourages all Collaborative Applicants, CoC stakeholders, project applicants, and project subrecipients to read the FY 2017 CoC Program Registration Notice in its entirety.
Collaborative Applicants should carefully review Section III Completing the Registration Process of the Notice prior to accessing and completing the registration forms in e-snaps as this section includes all of the steps necessary to successfully register the CoC for the FY 2017 CoC Program Competition.
If you are aware or suspect that the Collaborative Applicant for your CoC is not currently receiving these listserv messages, please forward the following link so the Collaborative Applicant can register to receive listserv messages as this is the only form of communication used by HUD to the public:  https://www.hudexchange.info/mailinglist/.
Important Notes:
Grant Inventory Worksheets (GIWs)
The FY 2017 GIWs have no role in the FY 2017 CoC Program Registration process and will be distributed, reviewed, and completed through an improved, separate process. Information regarding the FY 2017 GIWs will be provided in a separate listserv message.
Preliminary Pro Rata Need (PPRN), CoC Planning, and UFA Costs
As Congress has not yet appropriated funds for this program, the amounts for PPRN, CoC planning, and UFA Costs are not yet available. HUD will provide this information at a later date once FY 2017 funds have been appropriated.
Additional Resources
The following resources are posted to the HUD Exchange:
If you have questions pertaining to e-snaps technical issues or the FY 2017 CoC Program Registration process, submit your questions to the e-snaps Ask A Question (AAQ) portal.  To submit a question to the e-snaps AAQ portal, select "e-snaps" from the "My question is related to" dropdown list on Step 2 of the question submission process.
If you have questions related to the CoC Program interim rule or a policy related question, submit your questions to the CoC Program Ask A Question (AAQ) portal.  To submit a question to the CoC AAQ portal, select "CoC Program" from the "My question is related to" dropdown list on Step 2 of the question submission process.
  • Collaborative Applicants must complete the FY 2017 CoC Program Registration via e-snaps, a web-based portal accessible at www.hud.gov/esnaps.
  • Collaborative Applicants that fail to submit the FY 2017 CoC Program Registration on behalf of the CoC by May 1, 2017 by 8:00 pm EDT will not have access to the FY 2017 CoC Program Consolidated Application and will not be able to apply for FY 2017 CoC Program funds. See Section III.C.6 of the FY 2017 CoC Program Registration Notice for additional information.
  • Collaborative Applicants are strongly encouraged to access and use the FY 2017 CoC Program Registration Instructional Guide, located on the HUD Exchange, to ensure ALL steps are fully completed and the CoC is successfully registered. 
    • Phase 1 has three required steps in e-snaps that must be completed:
      • Step 1 – Register for the Funding Opportunity – CoC Registration and Application 2017;
      • Step 2 – Create the CoC Program Registration Project; and,
      • Step 3 – Complete and submit the CoC Program Registration forms.
    • Phase 2 has up to two required steps once HUD notifies Collaborative Applicants that this phase is available via listserv message:
      • Step 1 – Collaborative Applicants return to e-snaps to review HUD's determination of geographic codes and, if the Collaborative Applicant requested UFA or HPC designation, HUD's determination
      • Step 2 – Collaborative Applicant agrees or disagrees with HUD determination:
        • If agrees, submits approval in e-snaps at which point the FY 2017 CoC Program Registration is complete and the Collaborative Applicant will have access to the FY 2017 CoC Consolidated Application when the FY 2017 CoC Program Competition opens; or
        • If disagrees, submits disapproval at which point HUD will review one final time
      • Step 3 – only for Collaborative Applicants that disapproved HUD's decision in Step 2:
        • HUD will review and issue final determination at which point the Collaborative Applicant must agree and submit approval in e-snaps, which will provide access to the FY 2017 CoC Consolidated Application when the FY 2017 CoC Program Competition opens.
        • If the Collaborative Applicant disagrees in this step, the-snaps system will generate a rejection letter and the Collaborative Applicant will not have access to the FY 2017 CoC Consolidated Application.
    • Collaborative Applicants are strongly encouraged to import the FY 2016 CoC Program Registration information in e-snaps, which is part of Phase 1 - Step 2 above. 
      • Importing the FY 2016 CoC Program Registration forms will prevent the need for re-entering information for the FY 2017 CoC Program Registration process and, later, the FY 2017 CoC Application forms where the questions between the two CoC Program Competition processes did not change.
    • Any Collaborative Applicant that was granted UFA designation in the FY 2016 CoC Program Registration process must re-apply for UFA designation in the FY 2017 CoC Program Registration process.
    • A CoC, through its Collaborative Applicant, also has the ability to apply for High Performing Community (HPC) designation.
    • FY 2017 Continuum of Care Numbers and Names
    • FY 2017 Geographic Codes
    • FY 2017 CoC Program Registration Detailed Instructions
    • FY 2017 CoC Program Registration Instructional Guide
Visit the HUD Exchange at https://www.hudexchange.info