The registration deadline is 8:00 PM Eastern Time (ET) Monday, May 1, 2017. Registration submission must be received in e-snaps on or before the registration deadline. Failure to submit a registration in e-snaps by the deadline will result in the Collaborative Applicant being unable to access the FY 2017 CoC Consolidated Application, which includes the project applications for reallocated projects, permanent housing bonus projects, renewal projects, CoC Planning projects, and Unified Funding Agency (UFA) costs. Consequently, the Collaborative Applicant will be unable to apply for funds. Therefore, it is imperative that all Collaborative Applicants meet this registration deadline.
As of 8:00 AM EDT today, April 28, 2017:
- 78 CoCs have not completed the first step of registration, which is registering for the funding opportunity, that will allow the Collaborative Applicant to move to the second step of making the registration forms visible for data entry and completion.
- 8 CoCs have registered for the funding opportunity, but have not opened the registration forms to begin review and update of the information that will allow you to submit by the deadline.
- 34 CoCs have opened the registration forms but have not completed review and update of the information that will allow you to submit by the deadline.
- 280 CoCs have completed the registration process and will have access to the CoC Consolidated Application when the FY 2017 CoC Program Competition opens later this year! Thank You!
Important Notes:
- CoCs and their designated Collaborative Applicants are responsible for ensuring that registration is completed by the deadline. HUD does not intend to issue individual reminders.
- Collaborative Applicants must complete the FY 2017 CoC Program Registration via e-snaps, a web-based portal accessible at
- Review Section III.C.6. of the FY 2017 CoC Program Registration Notice and the Detailed Instructions in Completing the CoC Program Registration Submission in e-snaps for more details about the registration process.
- HUD strongly encourages Collaborative Applicants to use the FY 2017 CoC Program Registration Instructional Guide, located on the HUD Exchange, to ensure all steps are fully completed and the CoC is successfully registered.
- This first phase of the registration process has three required steps in e-snaps that Collaborative Applicants must complete:
- Step 1–Register for the Funding Opportunity–CoC Registration and Application 2017;
- Step 2–Create the CoC Program Registration Project; and
- Step 3–Complete and submit the CoC Program Registration forms.
- HUD strongly encourages Collaborative Applicants to import the FY 2016 CoC Program Registration information in e-snaps, which is part of this first phase.
- Importing the FY 2016 CoC Program Registration forms will prevent the need to manually enter information for the FY 2017 CoC Program Registration process and, later, the FY 2017 CoC Application forms where the questions between the two CoC Program Competitions processes did not change.
- Any Collaborative Applicant that was granted UFA designation in the FY 2016 CoC Program Registration process must re-apply for UFA designation in the FY 2017 CoC Program Registration process.
- CoCs, through their Collaborative Applicants, can also apply for High Performing Community (HPC) designation.
If you have questions pertaining to e-snaps technical issues or the FY 2017 CoC Program Registration process, submit your questions to the e-snaps Ask A Question (AAQ) portal. To submit a question to the e-snaps AAQ portal, select " e-snaps" from the "My question is related to" dropdown list on Step 2 of the question submission process.
If you have questions related to the CoC Program interim rule or a policy related question, submit your questions to the CoC Program Ask A Question (AAQ) portal. To submit a question to the CoC AAQ portal, select "CoC Program" from the "My question is related to" dropdown list on Step 2 of the question submission process.