MD CoC Mtg w/Guest Speaker Norm Suchar 6/29, 9:30am

MD CoCs and partners, please review the meeting details below for our upcoming MD CoC Meeting!  Note that our guest speaker will be Norm Suchar, Director of Office of SNAPS (Special Needs Assistance Programs), so attendee capacity has been increased (see below).
  • DATE: 6/29, 9:30am - 3:00pm
  • LOCATION: DHCD, 7800 Harkins Rd, Hyattsville, MD 20787
  • PARKING: Must park at New Carrollton Metro lot.  Shuttle is available to take you to DHCD building, or you may walk.  See map.  Arrive at least 15-20 minutes early to allow time for parking and transport to DHCD office.

    *** Please note that only credit card payments are accepted when exiting the lot
    • View green parking entrance on map.
    • If walking from lot, view red walking route on map.
    • If taking shuttle from lot, view pink shuttle bus location on map.
      • The shuttle bus will say "DHCD" on the side
      • If you do not see a shuttle bus w/in 10 mins, call the security desk at 301-429-7401
  • LUNCH: Catered lunch provided by UWCM
  • REGISTRATION: Required for all attendees to register by 6/9.  Due to special guest speaker, seating capacity is increased to 75, so feel free to invite other members from your CoC.  If more than 75 registrations received, we may ask CoCs to limit their attendance.