New Resources Available: Tools for Ending Youth Homelessness

HUD announces the release of new products, guides, and tools to help communities end youth homelessness. The products are focused on four topic areas:
  • Coordinated Entry for Youth
  • Engaging Youth
  • Housing First for Youth
  • Rapid Re-Housing for Youth
A brief description of each tool is below:
The Coordinated Entry for Youth Brief provides an overview of the four Coordinated Entry core elements (Access, Assessment, Prioritization, and Referral).
The Engaging Youth in Decision Making document provides guidance on how to engage youth in the decision-making process and in the development of projects.
The brief on Using a Housing First Philosophy When Serving Youth provides an overview of the Housing First philosophy and how it applies to youth-serving projects.
A suite of tools and products on Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) for Youth includes a Jump Start Tool, a set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), and a Checklist. Coming soon will be a Toolkit.
  • The Jump Start Tool provides an overview of the key steps Continuums of Care (CoCs) and providers can take to quickly develop RRH projects for youth.
  • The RRH for Youth FAQs cover topics such as landlords renting to youth, working to support negative experiences with a tenant, ensuring staff will be a good fit for RRH, and whether RRH is developmentally appropriate for youth.
  • The RRH for Youth Checklist will help CoCs and RRH project providers plan and implement RRH projects for youth. It incorporates system level needs, program design, and youth engagement.
  • Coming Soon! The RRH for Youth Toolkit provides community examples for the core components of RRH projects with community examples.

Additional Resources

In August 2016, HUD released the “Ending Youth Homelessness: Guidebook Series” designed for CoC leadership and partners as a direct, hands-on action plan in efforts to prevent and end youth homelessness. Each Guidebook includes suggested strategies, promising practices, and considerations that can be implemented immediately. The series includes three Guidebooks: System Planning, Mainstream System Collaboration, and Promising Program Models.
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