- Coordinated Entry for Youth
- Engaging Youth
- Housing First for Youth
- Rapid Re-Housing for Youth
A brief description of each tool is below:
A suite of tools and products on Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) for Youth includes a Jump Start Tool, a set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), and a Checklist. Coming soon will be a Toolkit.
- The Jump Start Tool provides an overview of the key steps Continuums of Care (CoCs) and providers can take to quickly develop RRH projects for youth.
- The RRH for Youth FAQs cover topics such as landlords renting to youth, working to support negative experiences with a tenant, ensuring staff will be a good fit for RRH, and whether RRH is developmentally appropriate for youth.
- The RRH for Youth Checklist will help CoCs and RRH project providers plan and implement RRH projects for youth. It incorporates system level needs, program design, and youth engagement.
- Coming Soon! The RRH for Youth Toolkit provides community examples for the core components of RRH projects with community examples.
Additional Resources
In August 2016, HUD released the “ Ending Youth Homelessness: Guidebook Series” designed for CoC leadership and partners as a direct, hands-on action plan in efforts to prevent and end youth homelessness. Each Guidebook includes suggested strategies, promising practices, and considerations that can be implemented immediately. The series includes three Guidebooks: System Planning, Mainstream System Collaboration, and Promising Program Models.