RE: MARHMIS question - survivors of DV and Coord Assessment

We use VI-SPDAT in HMIS to assess clients for the coordinated assessment prioritization.  Our DV agency uses the same form but on paper.  They submit their clients using only a code (never a name) with their score and the agency identifier.  Then, when a DV client is at the top of the list, the offering agency can contact our DV agency and they (and they alone) can approach the client and get any additional info or forms.  All work from that point on is done  out of the public eye.

Su Nottingham
Bergen County Department of Human Services, One Bergen County Plaza, 2nd floor, Hackensack, NJ 07601
Phone 201-336-7461  Fax 201-336-7450  e-mail
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From: 'Peters-Ruvolo, Annette' via MARHMIS []
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2017 8:57 AM
Subject: [MARHMIS] RE: MARHMIS question - survivors of DV and Coord Assessment

Hi Korrin,
I was wondering if you could send this out to the MARHMIS group on my behalf. I'm the Co-Chair of the Westchester County CoC – most members of MARHMIS will know Daniel Gore, our HMIS Administrator. My question is: we are putting the final touches on our Coordinated Assessment System and are struggling with how and where to fit survivors of domestic violence being sheltered by our VAWA providers to make sure they are being prioritized fairly. We have 1 CoC project that contains RRH funds that we are carving out for this population.

We have a workgroup exploring different options and of course, we would be interested to hear from other CoCs as to how the intersect works when a population cannot be in the same HMIS as other people experiencing homelessness. We are currently looking at developing a parallel process that links this population to this particular project, but we feel that limits them ONLY to that project and, if they are not appropriate/eligible for that project, how to refer them to the "general pop" Coordinated Assessment while keeping their prioritization status as survivors w/o identifying them.

Any HUD guidance that anyone feels is particularly helpful would be greatly appreciated as well..
Thank you and have a great day.
Annette M. Peters-Ruvolo, LCSW
Program Director, Community Support Services
Westchester County Department of Community Mental Health
112 East Post Road, 2nd Floor
White Plains, NY 10601
914-995-6220 (fax)