Over $70 million is available in grants over multiple years to help communities and health care providers prevent opioid overdose deaths and provide treatment for opioid use disorder.
Administered through SAMHSA, these funds will be made available through the following three grants:
Medication-Assisted Treatment and Prescription Drugs—Opioid Addiction: Up to $28 million to five grantees to increase access of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder. MAT combines behavioral therapy and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved medication.
First Responders: Up to $41.7 million over 4 years to approximately 30 grantees to train and provide resources for first responders and members of other key community sectors on carrying and administering an FDA-approved product for emergency treatment of known or suspected opioid overdose.
Improving Access to Overdose Treatment: Up to $1 million over 5 years to one grantee to expand availability to overdose reversal medications in health care settings and to establish protocols to connect patients who have experienced a drug overdose with appropriate treatment.
The purpose of these cooperative agreements is to implement suicide prevention and intervention programs for individuals who are age 25 or older, that are designed to raise awareness of suicide, establish referral processes, and improve care and outcomes for such individuals who are at risk for suicide.
From 2010 to 2013, emergency department visits where alcohol was the only substance involved accounted for 78.8 percent of all underage alcohol misuse-related visits, and visits that combined drugs and alcohol accounted for 21.2 percent of underage alcohol misuse-related emergency department visits.
According to a new report, 3.3 percent of all Americans age 12 or older (8.7 million people) used some form of smokeless tobacco in the past month. In this report, smokeless tobacco refers to both chewing tobacco and snuff. The report also shows that an estimated 1 million Americans in this age group used smokeless tobacco for the first time in the past year.
This report describes selected best behavioral health practices and programs for Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander boys and young men.
In June 2016, SAMHSA's SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) Technical Assistance Center began a series of informal monthly calls designed to help support SOAR efforts across the country. Join these conference calls to learn how to implement local steering committees or if you have questions related to SOAR applications.