[MARHMIS] MARHMIS Volunteer Roles
Thanks for letting me help get your Mid-Atlantic Region HMIS (MARHMIS) group active again! And a big thanks to Korrin for her leadership so far. We wish her good luck in her next assignment. My name is Mary and I work out of Olympia, WA. I formerly ran the HMIS program for the state of Washington, doing everything from managing the technical staff to building Tableau dashboards using HMIS data. I look forward to working with you all and learning about your local implementations and how membership in a group like MARHMIS can help make those implementations even better.
One of the key reasons to form a collaborative like MARHMIS is to learn from your peers and to self-direct the information sharing that can occur. Another reason to collaborate is to create one strong regional voice when submitting questions or concerns to HUD regarding policy or data standard changes. HUD has recognized the power and strength that HMIS regional groups like MARHMIS can bring to each CoC participating and no longer offers facilitation support. Leadership must come from the membership base or it will become another HUD-sponsored technical assistance meeting (like the Regional Technical Assistance meetings already covering your area and the other guidance offered around HMIS nationwide). To that end, HUD is providing support to MARHMIS to develop a peer-based, self-sustaining management structure. This is a unique opportunity for MARHMIS and we hope you will join this effort.
To that end, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce a few volunteer opportunities that will help make MARHMIS a success, and to solicit your interest and participation in joining the MARHMIS Management Team in one of the following capacities:
Roles available:
<![if !supportLists]>1. <![endif]>Lead Administrator & Facilitator - Meeting reminders, agenda creation and meeting notes – we meet every other month and someone will need to send reminders well in advance of the next meeting, put together the agenda for the meeting in time for the reminders to go out, and to take notes on the agenda and send after the meeting as a summary of what occurred. Facilitate the meetings and help drive the agenda topics and secure presenters as needed.
<![if !supportLists]>2. <![endif]>Historian & Membership Lead – Build archive of past meetings, keep topics for future meetings in constant rotation, help establish the path for the future based upon the lessons of the past. Maintain list of current and active members and their affiliations and update as necessary. Create information to share at meetings so people know who else is in the group (maps of teams, work being done, etc.). Manage the google group listserv and post articles. Recruit new members to join MARHMIS.
<![if !supportLists]>3. <![endif]>Annual Conference Lead – Plan and implement an annual in-person meeting of MARHMIS members. Gather volunteers, pick locations, plan agenda, set schedule, solicit funding for lunches/coffee, and perform follow-up tasks for ongoing yearly conference schedule.
By volunteering for one of these roles, you will take the lead in shaping MARHMIS. Support is offered in the form of key technical assistance consultants like myself, Fran Ledger and Colleen Velez, as well as internal support from Cinthia Gonzalez and Paul Rossi. Together with the volunteers for the roles described above, the MARHMIS Management Team will meet monthly to ensure the work progresses and everyone feels supported in their roles.
How do I volunteer, you ask? Please submit your interest to me in an email (address: mary_schwartz@abtassoc.com) and I will be in touch within a week of receiving your email to discuss the volunteer opportunity with you. Assuming there will be more than one volunteer for each role, the other members of the Management Team and myself will help decide how to rotate people in and out of the opportunities (term limits, etc.) and create redundancies so that tasks are not left undone.
As a reminder, the next MARHMIS call is scheduled for July 10, 2017 from 10 am to noon (eastern) and will be a WebEx call. The agenda will go out to the listserv soon. If you have a suggestion for the agenda, that may mean you are a perfect volunteer to Lead the meeting!
Talk to you soon,
Mary Schwartz | Associate | Abt Associates
O: 617.520.2817 | C: 360.628.7235
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