News from the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness

Two More Communities Have Effectively Ended  Veteran Homelessness! Is Yours Next?       


Congratulations to the teams in La Crosse, Wisconsin, and Akron, Ohio, for achieving the goal of ending Veteran homelessness!

Reach out to let us know if your community is ready for the federal partners to confirm your achievement.

Read what Executive Director Matthew Doherty highlighted as "things he knows are true" for our continued drive to end Veteran homelessness at the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans Housing Summit in Washington last week.

Updated Tools to Track Progress on the Criteria and Benchmarks for Ending Veteran Homelessness 
USICH, HUD, and VA released an enhanced version of the federal criteria and benchmarks for ending Veteran homelessness earlier in the year. These newly updated tools can help you track your progress and demonstrate your success! 

Learn How Des Moines/Polk County Ended - and Sustains an End - to Veteran Homelessness   
As more and more communities achieve the goal, it is essential that they are able to sustain that success.

Julie Eberbach, associate director at the Institute for Community Alliances, explains how Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa - the "heart of the heartland" - achieved the goal, and what they've done to sustain it for more than a year.

New Webinars from the Domestic Violence Housing Technical Assistance Consortium

The DVHTAC, a collaborative technical assistance effort between HHS, HUD, and the Department of Justice, has produced a series of webinars to support homelessness and domestic violence service providers to expand safe housing options for survivors experiencing homelessness and housing instability:

Check out their newly launched website for upcoming webinars and other resources!
U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness, 1275 First Street, NE, Suite 227, Washington, DC 20552