Safe Housing Needs Assessment - Critical Input Needed! (Please complete by July 21st)

Dear Stakeholders,

The National Alliance for Safe Housing (NASH), in collaboration with the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV), the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV), and Collaborative Solutions, Inc (CS),  also known as the Domestic Violence and Housing Consortium TA Team (more information attached)  and other local, state and national stakeholders, [1] developed this Safe Housing Needs Assessment (link below) to gather input from victim service providers, community service providers, coalitions and continuums of care.

This assessment is the first of its kind aimed at simultaneously reaching the domestic and sexual violence field, as well as the homeless and housing field. The assessment seeks to identify specific barriers preventing collaboration across these fields, as well as promising practices. As a key stakeholder in this historic assessment, your participation will directly change the awareness, understanding and collaboration that is essential in meeting the needs of the field.  Your responses will determine the results to help us provide organizations and communities with the tools, strategies and support necessary to improve coordination between domestic violence/sexual assault service providers and homeless and housing service providers, so that survivors and their children can ultimately avoid homelessness and live free from violence.

The needs assessment should take 10-15 minutes. The assessment will close on Friday, July 21st. It can be completed on your computer or mobile device. Please click to begin:

*If you have sub grantees and this survey is more appropriate for them, please forward*

Should you have any questions please contact Larisa Kofman, Director, National Alliance for Safe Housing (NASH) at


Larisa Kofman, J.D.
Director, National Alliance for Safe Housing 
District Alliance for Safe Housing, Inc. (DASH) P.O. Box 91730; Washington, DC 20090
(202) 462-3274 x114

CFC #99008  ~  United Way #9391

Now visit us on our blog, Facebook and Twitter!
Twitter: @dashdc

[1] Local, state and national stakeholders include the Needs Assessment Working Group members: Collaborative Solutions, Inc., National Network to End Domestic Violence, National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, Michigan State University Research Consortium on Gender-based Violence, Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence, DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence, the National Alliance to End Homelessness. Safe Housing Advisory Committee Members include: National Organization of Sisters of Color Ending Sexual Assault, The Northwest Network National LGBTQ DV Capacity Building Learning Center, API on Gender-based Violence, National Indigenous Women's Resource Center, National Housing Law Project, ACLU Women's Rights Project, National Domestic Violence Hotline, National Latin@ Network for Healthy Families and Communities, Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community at the University of Minnesota and the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty. Non listed stakeholders include staff from local domestic and sexual violence as well as homeless programs.