CPD Funding Matrix and Dashboard Reports Posted

The CPD Funding Matrix and Dashboard Reports, as of August 1, 2017, have been posted to HUD Exchange.
These reports provide funding information for each city and state that receive CPD program funds, including Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Continuum of Care (CoC), Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG), HOME, Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), and Housing Trust Fund (HTF).
Reports detail the size of each grant received over the past several years, as well as the total amount of funds currently available to be spent on affordable housing and community and economic development activities.
CPD Funding Matrix Note: Based on the requirement that a grantee uses the adjusted ratio for determining its compliance with the CDBG timeliness standard of having no more than 1.5 times its annual allocation in its adjusted line of credit balance 60 days prior to the end of its current program year, HUD is in the process of updating the CDBG recapture risk column in the CPD Funding Matrix report, revised calculation is pending. In the meantime, a grantee wanting to know how much CDBG funding it may have at risk of recapture can do the following simple calculation:
{Adjusted line of credit (LOC) balance [LOC + program income + revolving loan fund balance(s)]} – {Annual allocation for current program year x 1.5} = Amount of potential reduction in next year’s grant (not to exceed actual grant amount)
Grantees with additional questions should contact their local field office.
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