News from the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness
Strengthening the Role of Emergency Shelters
Strengthening the Role of Emergency Shelter Within Effective Crisis Response Systems
Emergency shelter can and must play essential roles within effective, housing-focused crisis response systems.
Our latest brief discusses how shelter can promote dignity and respect for every person, divert people from the homelessness service system when possible, foster low-barrier access to emergency services, and serve as a platform for housing access.
Putting 'Housing is Health Care' Into Action to Help End Chronic Homelessness
To improve outcomes for patients, health care systems in a growing number of communities are coming to the table to help address housing needs.
Joshua Bamberger, Associate Clinical Professor for Family and Community Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, and his colleagues profiled nine models worth sharing in a recent report, Innovative Models in Health and Housing.
Pathways to Housing PA: Successfully Connecting People Affected by Opioid Use to Housing
Pathways to Housing PA, based in Philadelphia, uses Housing First approaches to support individuals' self-directed recovery and community integration, with an emphasis on doing whatever it takes for a person to get and stay housed and be well.
How Winston-Salem/Forsyth County, NC, Ended Veteran Homelessness
Partners in Forsyth County benefited from strong collaboration and unyielding leadership from the Mayor of Winston-Salem in order to effectively end Veteran homelessness in October 2015.
Learn more about their efforts from Andrea Kurtz, Senior Director of Housing Strategies at the United Way of Forsyth County.