HUD is canceling the October 5, 2017 webinar Buying Right: CDBG-DR and Procurement - A Guide to Recovery. There has been no rescheduled date determined at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience.
The resource guide
Buying Right CDBG-DR and Procurement: A Guide to Recovery is available now. Grantees and subrecipients procuring goods and services with their grant funds must ensure that they are following all program procurement statutory and regulatory requirements. The urgency in post-disaster recoveries often leads state and local officials to work to quickly restore infrastructure, public services, and help private companies and citizens make repairs. However, grantees and subrecipients that do not follow all CDBG program requirements may be forced to repay Federal funds. This guide covers how to comply with these requirements while also moving as quickly as possible to recover from a disaster. Sample checklists and templates are included for grantees to adapt for their programs.