HUD Publishes Notices CPD-17-10 and CPD-17-11

Notice CPD-17-10: Sub-awarding Emergency Solutions Grants Program Funds to Public Housing Agencies and Local Redevelopment Authorities

This Notice provides guidance on how Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program funds can be sub-awarded to Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and Local Redevelopment Authorities (LRAs) following the recent amendment to section 414(c) of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (McKinney-Vento Act) (42 U.S.C. 11373(c)).

Notice CPD-17-11: Determining a Program Participant's Rent Contribution, Occupancy Charge or Utility Reimbursement in the Continuum of Care (CoC) Program when the Program Participant is Responsible for the Utilities

This Notice clarifies HUD's expectation that recipients and subrecipients will consider reasonable monthly utility costs when calculating rent contributions or occupancy charges for program participants who are responsible for paying their own utilities. For the purpose of this notice, "utilities" exclude telephone but include gas, oil, electric, sewage, water, and trash removal.
This notice applies to recipients and subrecipients that are providing Transitional Housing (TH), Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH), and Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) funded through the Continuum of Care (CoC) Program (24 CFR part 578). Specifically, this notice applies to TH, PSH, and RRH projects in which some or all of the costs of utilities are the responsibility of the program participant.
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