News from the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness

What Have Communities Learned About Supportive Housing for Child Welfare-Involved Families?  

Over the last 5 years, San Francisco, CA, Cedar Rapids, IA, Memphis, TN, Broward County, FL, and the State of Connecticut have been testing the effectiveness of supportive housing for particularly vulnerable families involved in the child welfare system through an HHS demonstration project.

Further Evidence of Worsening Affordability for Renters   
To prevent and end homelessness, we all need to be attentive to changes in affordability in rental markets. And, if we're attentive right now, we can see that things have been getting worse. Data from recent HUD and Freddie Mac Multifamily analyses make that clear. 

Executive Director Matthew Doherty explains.  

Using GIS Mapping to Help Address Disparities in Homelessness Assistance 
GIS is a powerful tool that can help communities to understand the racial disparities that exist among those who are affected by homelessness, to ensure that their homelessness crisis response system is being attentive and responsive to disparities, and to develop partnerships to address the larger systemic forces that help create disparities.
Regional Coordinator Joe Savage explains. 


What do you think we should be doing to help people exiting homelessness find employment?  

New Guidance on the Participation of VA Programs in Your Community's Coordinated Entry System  
VA recently provided guidance and a checklist to its Medical Centers regarding expectations for how VA homelessness programs should align with and participate in coordinated entry systems.
Implementing that guidance will require strong and sustained coordination between VA and the partners implementing coordinated entry in every community.
This notice from HUD provides a great overview of the intent and goals of the guidance.
U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness, 301 7th Street, SW, Room 2080, Washington, DC 20407