Important HUD Updates
Bowman Client Update Important HUD Updates Per recent HUD listserv we want to pass along some important information and include relevant ServicePoint/ART Gallery information where applicable: 1) PIT/HIC Submission Deadline - The Homelessness Data Exchange (HDX) will be open between 03/1/2017 and 05/01/2017 for the upload and submission of your 2017 PIT/HIC reports. All needed reports for this submission are available in the ART Gallery as shown below: • 0628 - HIC Supplemental - V7 - This report has been created to provide the client and household data needed to complete the PIT count column of the Housing Inventory Count in the HIC module of the HUD HDX. It also provides RRH counts as required. • 0629 - Housing Inventory Chart - V14 - This report produces the HMIS available elements needed for the Housing Inventory Count required by HUD. • 0630 - Sheltered-Unsheltered PIT 2016 - V19 - This report has been created to provide the client and househo...