
Showing posts from March 13, 2017

HUD AAQ #90167: HMIS Data Entry for PSH Resident from Another PSH Project

Question Related To : Homeless Management Information Systems Question ID : 90167 Question Subject : HMIS Data Entry for PSH Resident from Another PSH Project Question Text : If a client moves directly from PSH Project A to PSH Project B, where the agencies are different, but the CoC is the same, would the correct response to the "Residence Prior to Project Entry" be "Permanent Housing for Formerly Homeless Persons (HUD)?"  I assume PSH Provider B would also have to document why this client entered from a non-homeless situation, as well.  Thank you. Response : Thanks for your question, Jason. You are correct--if a client goes from any PSH project to a new one, 3.917 Type of Residence should be recorded as 'Permanent housing for formerly homeless persons (such as: a CoC project; HUD legacy programs; or HOPWA PH).' As part of PSH Provider B's recordkeeping requirements, they should document why the person entered from PSH.

Updated: Save the Date! Webinar on Overview of 42 CFR part 2 Final Rule

Webinar: Overview of 42 CFR Part 2 Modernization Friday, March 17, 2017 | 1–2:30 p.m. Eastern Time Wednesday, March 22, 2017 | 1–2:30 p.m. Eastern Time SAMHSA recently modernized the Confidentiality of Substance Use Disorder Patient Records regulations (42 CFR Part 2) to facilitate health integration and information exchange within new health care models while continuing to protect the privacy and confidentiality of patients seeking treatment for substance use disorders. The rule, expected to be effective March 21, 2017, is published in the Federal Register . Are you interested in learning more about the new rule? Join Kimberly Johnson Ph.D., Director, SAMHSA Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, for a 90-minute webinar to learn about the changes. The webinar will be offered on two dates. To register for the 1:00-2:30 PM webinar on Friday, March 17 th , visit: To register for the 1:00-2:30 PM webin...

Headlines: Up to $47.5 Million Available To Help People Experiencing Homelessness

March 13, 2017 Subscribe SAMHSA Headlines—Your one-stop source for the latest from SAMHSA. Funding    |    Resources    |    Events    |    SAMHSA News Funding Up to $47.5 Million Available To Help People Experiencing Homelessness The purpose of this program is to support the development and/or expansion of community infrastructures that integrate behavioral health treatment and services for substance use, co-occurring mental and substance use disorders, permanent housing, and other critical services for individuals (including youth) and families experiencing homelessness. Up to $6 Million Available To Support the I...