New HUD and Federal Partners Reports Update
Bowman Client Update New HUD and Federal Partners Reports Update The new HUD CoC APR Provider Report is now available in ServicePoint 5.12.38. Beginning on April 1, 2017 grantees will no longer submit APRs in e-snaps and will begin using a new system called Sage. Recipients will be required to upload CSV data from their HMIS to fulfill the APR reporting requirement in Sage and ServicePoint will support the CSV requirement for the APR report. This will be a “download" option after you've run the new Provider (canned) CoC APR report in ServicePoint. Per HUD request, the 0625 APR report will remain in the ART Gallery until 7/1/2017. If a grantee is working on an APR in e-snaps that was started prior to April 1, 2017 they will need to be complete it prior to removal of the “old” APR on 7/1/2017. To accommodate customer requests, the 0631 APR Detail will remain in the ART Gallery until 10/1/2017. Please remember the logic between the “old” and “new” APR report...