UWCM (United Way of Central MD) Parking + Building Access Directions
*If this is your first visit to United Way's office (new location as of 2017), please try to arrive 25 mins early* Office Address : 1800 Washington Boulevard, Suite 340, Baltimore, MD 21230 Parking Lot + Tunnel : map Parking + Building Access Directions : please carefully read below 1. Drive to the BLUE LOT and pull up to the left side Visitors lane (the other lane is for card holders only). Use the intercom to inform security you have a meeting with United Way. 2. Walk to the the tunnel entrance (see map - located at the end of a long sidewalk and has signage on the outside of the building). 3. Use the intercom at the tunnel entrance (inform security again you have a meeting with United Way). 4. Once in the long tunnel walkway, proceed through the cafeteria, then turn right and go to the front entrance where the security desk is located. Inform security again you have a meeting with United Way. You will then be directed ...