
Showing posts from April 28, 2017

Introducing Redesigned Grantee Pages

Back in October we introduced you to a New HUD Exchange . Today, we are introducing you to new and improved About Grantees pages on the HUD Exchange, where you can find information about HUD grantees all in one place! Easily access awards, contact information, reports, and more for organizations that receive funding from HUD. Based on user feedback, we enhanced the About Grantees section of the HUD Exchange to help you find the information you need quickly and easily. *New* landing page and menu so you can quickly see what information is available and easily navigate to the grantee information you need Enhanced search capabilities for searching for grantee information such as awards and contacts Redesigned grantee pages that give you a quick overview of a specific organization's contacts, awards, reports, and more all on one page, organized by program Interested in seeing an example? Check out Los Angeles County, CA's page on the HUD Exchange *New* Re...

Reminder: Best Practices for Action Plan Set-Up and Amendments in the eCon Planning Suite Webinar - May 2, 2017 - 1 PM EDT

The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) is holding a Question and Answer (Q&A) Webinar for all State and Entitlement grantees on best practices to successfully set up your Action Plan in the eCon Planning Suite and will review the process, timing, and steps required to complete amendments. The webinar will include demonstrations of amending the Consolidated Plan and Action Plan in the Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS) and creating a new Action Plan by using the Copy function. Following the presentation, participants will be able to submit questions to HUD and technical assistance providers regarding the eCon Planning Suite and Consolidated Plan process. Participants will learn: Best practices for setting up the 2017 Annual Action Plan (AAP) How to amend Consolidated Plans and Action Plans in the eCon Planning Suite Webinar Dates Date Time R...

FY 2017 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Registration Process: 4 Calendar Days Before the Deadline

The registration deadline is 8:00 PM Eastern Time (ET) Monday, May 1, 2017 . Registration submission must be received in e-snaps on or before the registration deadline. Failure to submit a registration in e-snaps by the deadline will result in the Collaborative Applicant being unable to access the FY 2017 CoC Consolidated Application, which includes the project applications for reallocated projects, permanent housing bonus projects, renewal projects, CoC Planning projects, and Unified Funding Agency (UFA) costs. Consequently, the Collaborative Applicant will be unable to apply for funds. Therefore, it is imperative that all Collaborative Applicants meet this registration deadline. As of 8:00 AM EDT today, April 28, 2017: 78 CoCs have not completed the first step of registration, which is registering for the funding opportunity, that will allow the Collaborative Applicant to move to the second step of making the registration forms visible for data entry and completion. ...

HUD CoC Coordinated Entry Tools

Here are some resources I'm sharing with everyone.  I'll try my best to keep everything updated. Coordinated Entry Docs + Regs Folder   (online shared folder with docs, regs, checklist, etc.) HUD Coordinated Entry webinar video from 3/20/17 (note that this takes you to the registration page where you enter your info, and then it starts to play the video).  HUD TA informed us they will have the slides released shortly as of 4/28. HUD AAQ #95763: Homeless Prevention Requirement for Coordinated Entry   RE: MARHMIS question - survivors of DV and Coord Assessment

SSVF Program Update Friday April 28, 2017

Topics: 1.      Reminder: Community Planning Survey due Wednesday May 3rd 2.      Register for the SSVF Educational Series: Landlord Partnerships and Creative Housing Coordination on May 3, 2017 at 2:30PM EDT 3.      Register for the SSVF National Webinar May 11, 2017 at 2:00 PM EDT 4.      Additional Guidance on SSVF Eligibility of Homeless Persons that Received a Bad Conduct Discharge (BCD) 5.      Integrating Employment Opportunities with Rapid Re-housing Interventions Reminder: Community Planning Survey due Wednesday, May 3rd This is a reminder that the Community Planning Survey is due next week on May 3rd. The SSVF Program Office is appreciative of all of the work that CoCs, VAMC Homeless Leadership, Vet Work Groups, SSVF, and community partners are doing to obtain a collective response to the survey; one survey should be submitted per CoC. Please refer to the SSVF Special Edition Program Upda...