News from the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness
How Three Communities Approach Encampments What Three Communities Are Learning About Ending Homelessness for People in Encampments In 2015, we released Ending Homelessness for People in Encampments: Advancing the Dialogue , to help communities develop coordinated strategies to create lasting solutions for people living, unsheltered, in encampments. We recently checked in with Dallas, Chicago, and Philadelphia to see what lessons they could share from their efforts. How Virginia Uses Collaboration and Coordination to End Homelessness Statewide Between 2010 and 2016, the Commonwealth of Virginia reduced overall homelessness by 31% and family homelessness by 37.6%. And in November 2015, they became the first state to effectively end Veteran homelessness. Pamela Kestner and Kathy Robertson describe how the Commonwealth has used a state-level Coordinating Council to drive chan...