The April 2018 ART Gallery Update includes the following updates to the ART Gallery available as of 04/23/2018:
- 0640 - HUD Data Quality Framework Report - v7 - This report contains fixes and is ready for 2018 submission. Please note that this report has a new prompt for Entry/Exit Type. This prompt is an optional prompt but we defaulted it to "HUD" to expedite running the report. You can modify/remove this value if you wish to run the report on all Entry/Exit types.
System Performance Measures/Data Quality Framework Update:
The System Performance Measures reports and the Data Quality Framework are due to HUD by May 31, 2018. We have added a document to the SalesForce Libraries which shows the recommended prompt values for running these reports for the 2017 fiscal year. The document is available in the "HACS HUD Documentation" library and the document is named "System Performance Measures Prompt Dates FY2017".
Please note we are in the process of updating the below System Performance Measures Reports. We will send out an announcement when the revised reports are available in the ART Gallery:
- 0701 - Exits to Permanent Housing with Returns to Homelessness - Metric 2 - v5 - An adjustment will be made to the base number in the calculation. The new version will be v6.
- 0706 - Permanent Housing Placement - Retention - Metric 7 - v6 - An adjustment will be made to 7b1 and 7b2 to include the "Residential project or halfway house with no homeless criteria (HUD)" destination picklist value and to treat leavers as stayers when they have an exit date after the report end date. The new version will be v7.
Please contact your CCA if you have any questions.