95 videos from the National Symposium on Solutions to End Youth Homelessness, 550 incredible attendees, and 9 out of 10 on our evaluation!


Thank you to the 550 folks who attended the Second Annual National Symposium on Solutions to End Youth Homelessness!

95 presentation videos are online ... check them out!

Check out the videos & our top 10 moments:
  1. Marc Dones making the crowd laugh, cry, and snap
  2. Jhumpa Bhattacharya bringing the house down with truth
  3. Ma'liyah Davis loving on all the new host home programs 
  4. Blair Franklin & Youth Empowered Society getting the crowd dancing
  5. Ziggy Keyes on why cash can end youth homelessness
  6. Ruby Corado advocating for more trans-led organizations
  7. Maddox Guerrilla breaking down the non-profit industrial complex
  8. HUD's Brett Esders on how rapid re-housing is flexible & workable 
  9. Jericho Project celebrating the 115 NYC rapid re-housing units they are successfully launching
  10. Larry showing that vulnerability among leaders is vital 
 Thank you!

According to your surveys,  9 out of 10 of you achieved your goals at the Symposium!  You loved the youth leadership, energy in the room, and breakouts. We'll add even more breakouts,  interactive workshops, and networking rooms that will blow your mind!

See y'all in 2019 at the Third National Symposium on Solutions to End Youth Homelessness
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