The May 2018 ART Gallery Update includes the following updates to the ART Gallery available as of 05/29/2018:
- 0700.1b - Length of Time Persons Homeless - Metric 1 - v5 - This report was updated with a minor change in the formula for the duration calculation. This was necessary for a handful of customers encountering validation errors in HDX. Please note that if you didn't get a validation error when submitting this data that you do not need to re-submit the data to HUD.
- 0706 - Permanent Housing Placement - Retention - Metric 7 - v7 - This report had a hotfix applied for Metric 7b.2. This hotfix will lead to a slight increase in numbers due to a change in calculations for a small subset of destination types. This will only affect a few customers and will lead to only a minor increase in the numbers for the affected customers.
System Performance Measures/Data Quality Framework Update:
The System Performance Measures reports and the Data Quality Framework are due to HUD by
8 PM CDT on May 31, 2018. At this time if you have not already entered this data into HDX we highly recommend doing it at this time. It will take time to input all of this information before the submission deadline.
Please contact your CCA if you have any questions.