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HUD Suspends Racial Equity—Again.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018
In This Issue: Johns Hopkins Seeks to Be a Good Neighbor ● Rebellion Spurs a New Housing Movement ● Slow Building of Community on Lopez Island ● HUD Tries a New Way to Suspend Racial Equity ● Also: Jobs ● Shelter Shorts ● Resources +
Debby Goldberg, National Fair Housing Alliance
On Jan. 5 HUD announced abruptly that it was putting on hold further implementation of the AFFH rule. After we filed a lawsuit, HUD recently took a different tack. Read Full Article
Shelterforce Staff
U.S. Increases Numbers of Families in Crisis | Seattle Caves to Amazon, et al. | Hooray—Lots of People Have (Low Wage) Jobs! | Arts + Public Health | Converting Motels Into Supportive Housing | More… Quick Takes From Our Editors
Steve Dubb, Nonprofit Quarterly
Historically, Johns Hopkins has been characterized as an ivory tower in the midst of Baltimore, a city of over 600,000 people that is 63 percent Black. But it is seeking to change that. Read Full Article
Peter Sabonis, National Economic & Social Rights Initiative
How a Baltimore collaborative plans to make shared-equity housing a significant sector in the local housing market. Read Full Article
Chom Greacen, Lopez Community Land Trust
Residents helped build each other’s houses as part of their sweat-equity contributions. The process transformed this author from a soft-handed city dweller to an empowered woman who knew how to shingle a house and install metal roofing. Read Full Article
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Thursday, June 28, 3 p.m. EDT | How to Prevent Infrastructure Privatization | As privatization of infrastructure and public-private partnerships in many communities grow, In the Public Interest is presenting a webinar that will focus on giving advocates and other stakeholders the tools to effectively intervene in local and state infrastructure projects. The webinar will will help participants identify upcoming projects in their communities that might be candidates for privatization, learn how to analyze financing, and develop campaign strategies.
Wednesday, August 1 | Healthy Homes and Communities Summit in NJ | Registration is open for the August 1 Healthy Homes & Communities Summit, the third in a series of discussions led by the Housing & Community Development Network of NJ. This year’s Summit will focus on the relationship between health institutions and the community development sector. Harold Simon, Shelterforce publisher, will moderate the opening panel.

NALCAB Guide to Equitable Neighborhood Development | This guide is a resource to help community-based organizations prevent involuntary displacement and ensure that low- and moderate-income people and small businesses share in the benefits of increasing investment in their neighborhoods and appreciating real estate markets. It was designed to help community-based organizations understand where displacement has taken place and where it might occur as well as implement data-driven policy strategies for equitable neighborhood development.
Inclusion, Racial Equity, and Community Development Conference Videos | In March, the Federal Reserve Banks of San Francisco, Atlanta, and Chicago, along with the FDIC and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, held this joint conference. If you missed it or would like to see any of the presentations again, the videos of the event are now available here.
You Said It!

A couple of unfair questions: What good is an art installation encouraging young gentrifiers to say “hello” to their neighbors if their neighbors are going to end up priced out/otherwise displaced anyway? Can projects that… —Caroline Nagy, more

While I think that changing the optic or artistic outlet for one that could feel more “racially and economically inclusive” is a good approach, I can’t see how it challenges… —Rafael Medina, more

Thank you for this piece. I’d like to challenge part of this story. I know it is not the artist’s role to create housing but I’m wondering if placemaking artists aren’t still being used by the foundations to make themselves… —Mary, more

Thank you Shelterforce and Tanner Howard for your interview with Glyn Robbins. During the coming fall term I will be teaching a course covering landlord-tenant law at Seton Hall Law School. I intend to touch upon the danger of treating affordable housing as… —Abbott Gorin, more

Thanks for this, Tanner. I’m reading it (through jet-lag!) having just arrived in D.C. for the annual conference of the National Alliance of HUD Tenants, which I attend most years. I come here to find inspiration from US tenants and housing activists. The issues you’ve picked out in the interview are a stark reminder of… —Glyn Robbins, more

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Executive Director ● Habitat for Humanity of Suffolk seeks a dynamic, passionate executive director for this 30-year-old affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International. Habitat Suffolk partners with families in our community to help them build strength, stability, and self-reliance through shelter. Our new ED should be committed to... Read Full Listing
Executive Director, NCRC Community Development Fund ● NCRC Community Development Fund seeks a new Executive Director. In addition to managing the CDFI, the ED will guide the Fund's expanding financing strategy, act as entrepreneurial leader and primary fundraiser, and be our public face at trainings, media events, and conferences of peer organizations... Read Full Listing
Associate Director of National Leadership & Education The AD will assist the Director of National Leadership and Education in shaping and implementing our work educating and connecting public, private, and community leaders working to tackle the challenges of vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated properties. Place-based trainings, online education, peer-to-peer... Read Full Listing
Project Manager/Affordable Housing Development ● Telesis seeks an experienced PM to join our D.C. office and to oversee projects in D.C and across the country, managing all aspects of the development cycle from acquisition through completion. Most of our projects are complex, large-scale redevelopments with multiple financing sources. Our portfolio includes... Read Full Listing
Director of Property Management Reporting to the CEO, the Director is responsible for the overall management of New Community Corporation’s affordable housing, including approximately 1,600 residential family and senior units at several locations in Newark and in Hudson County. This individual will oversee... Read Full Listing
Planner Analyst/Research Associate This position is based in Texas Housers’ Houston office. The position is part of a 5-member Houston and 16-member statewide team of advocates, policy innovators, and organizers committed to achieving housing and community racial and economic justice. Texas Low Income Housing Information Service, A.K.A. Texas Housers, is... Read Full Listing
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Shelterforce began in 1975 and is the oldest, national, independent, nonprofit community development publication in America. Whether you provide or support affordable housing, economic or workforce development, community organizing, arts and culture, community planning, health or transportation, Shelterforce will help you do your work better tomorrow than yesterday.