Get the Facts about the Homeless Children & Youth Act

The Homeless Children and Youth Act, HR 1511/S 611
The bipartisan Homeless Children and Youth Act, HR 1511/S 611, was the topic of a powerful Congressional hearing last month. This critical legislation would help communities meet the needs of children, youth, and families who experience homelessness – no matter where they happen to be staying.

Get all the Facts:
Brief Description of HCYA
  1. Aligns HUD's definition of homelessness with those of other federal programs.
    • How: Children and youth whose homelessness has been verified by one of eight specific federal programs would be eligible for HUD homeless assistance. They would be able to be assessed for services using the same "vulnerability" indices (including age-appropriate criteria) used currently to prioritize people for assistance.
  2. Allows HUD homeless funding to be used to meet local needs.
    • How: HUD would be required to ensure that scoring is based primarily on the extent to which communities demonstrate that a project a) meets the priorities identified in the local plan, and b) is cost-effective in meeting the goals identified in the local plan. HUD would be prohibited from awarding greater priority based solely on the specific homeless population or housing model. Local innovation and success would be incentivized.
  3. Improves HUD homeless assistance data and transparency.
    • How: HUD would be required to include data on homelessness from other federal programs in its annual report to Congress. Also, if communities choose to conduct counts of homeless people, they would be required to include data from federal programs who are included in any part of the definition of homelessness.
SchoolHouse Connection is a national organization working to overcome homelessness through education. We provide strategic advocacy and technical assistance in partnership with early childhood programs, schools, institutions of higher education, service providers, families, and youth. We believe education is the only permanent solution to homelessness. Learn about us.
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