Este kit de herramientas ayuda a los centros para personas mayores a integrar la prevención del suicidio en actividades que apoyan el bienestar. Describe actividades que aumentan los factores de protección y explica cómo reconocer las señales de alerta del suicidio.

October 25, 2018 2–3:30 p.m. Eastern Time
The first webinar in the National Prevention Week 2019 webinar series will feature a discussion about the relationship and intersection of two growing public health challenges, opioid misuse and suicide, as well as what prevention strategies and approaches can be used to address them at the national and state levels.
October 25, 2018 2–3 p.m. Eastern Time
Join SAMHSA's Bringing Recovery Supports to Scale Technical Assistance Center Strategy (BRSS TACS) for a Recovery LIVE! virtual event. Learn from national experts about services for people experiencing serious mental illness or substance use disorders who have recently had a personal and potentially life-threatening emergency. During this webinar, presenters will describe warm handoff programs, such as those in hospital emergency departments.
One of the most important advances in treating serious mental illness in recent years is improving care for people experiencing a first onset of serious mental illness. We know that early phases of psychosis can be identified, and that team-based coordinated specialty care treatment reduces the likelihood of long-term disability. SAMHSA's new Early Serious Mental Illness Treatment Locator will help connect people experiencing a first onset of serious mental illness to effective care.