
Showing posts from October 16, 2018

Housing is on the ballot

Best Practices: A practical newsletter for people ending homelessness. Best Practices A practical newsletter for people ending homelessness. Scholarships Available for 2019 Conference Alliance conferences are an opportunity for the homelessness community — system leaders, providers, researchers, and those with lived experience — to learn from each other. That's why the Alliance offers scholarships each year for ...

2019 HIC and PIT Data Collection Notice and PIT Count Office Hours

Thank you for your continued efforts to use the Point-in-Time (PIT) count to identify people experiencing homelessness and engage the public in the critical work you are doing to end homelessness. HUD has published the Housing Inventory Count (HIC) and PIT Data Collection for Continuums of Care (CoCs) , which informs CoCs of what must be collected to successfully complete the 2019 HIC and PIT counts. HUD is happy to announce that while there are some changes to the HIC there are no changes to the PIT count data collection requirements. HIC Changes For CoCs with CoC-funded Joint Transitional Housing (TH) and Rapid Re-housing (RRH) projects, the CoC must enter a separate TH and RRH project on the HIC. Inventory reported under each project should reflect the inventory in use on the night of the count. To indicate that these are Joint TH and RRH grants, CoCs must select both the HUD: CoC – Transitional Housing and HUD: CoC – Rapid Re-Housing funding source options in response to th...

Register Today: LSA Office Hours for CoCs - October 23 and November 6, 2018 - 2:00 PM ET

Beginning on October 31, 2018 communities can upload their official Longitudinal Systems Analysis (LSA) data for use in the 2018 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress via the new Homelessness Data Exchange, Version 2.0 (HDX 2.0). For Continuums of Care (CoCs) that wish to learn more about the new LSA data submission cycle, HUD will be hosting two office hour sessions. From AHAR to LSA: Understanding the FY 18 Changes October 23, 2018 – 2 - 3 PM EDT This session will introduce the LSA and cover key changes to this year’s data submission process and timeline. Staff from Abt Associates will cover Frequently Asked Questions about the LSA process, and participants will have the opportunity to ask and submit any other questions they may have. This session is being held a week in advance of the HDX 2.0 opening for official LSA submissions to help CoCs prepare for the process. Register for the AHAR to LSA: Understanding the FY18 Changes Office Hour Session LSA...

JOBS: Scranton/Lackawanna County Continuum of Care Director

Hi All!  Please share this information with anyone who may be interested.  Here is a link for application/resume submission: .  Thank you! Director of Continuum of Care The United Neighborhood Centers of NEPA is seeking a qualified candidate for the position of Director Continuum of Care. The continuum of care, known as the Scranton/Lackawanna County Continuum of Care (CoC), is the HUD-designated regional entity responsible for coordinating services and planning strategies to prevent and end homelessness in Scranton and all of Lackawanna County. The Director Continuum of Care will be an employee of the United Neighborhood Centers of NEPA and work under the direction of the Scranton/Lackawanna County Continuum of Care (CoC) Executive Committee. Duties of the position include: Managing the annual grant application process as the Collaborative Applicant for the HUD Continuum of Car...

Our new trainings are just right for you!

Engaging, Empowering, Effective Our Fall Lineup is What You are Looking for Today Full Access 24/7 Online ...

Moving Black People Around ≠ Housing Choice

In This Issue: Warren Housing Bill Presents a Clear Choice on CRA ● Moving Black People Around Does Not Equal Housing Choice ● Also: Jobs ● Shelter Shorts ● Request for Comment ● Events ● Resources + Tuesday, October 16, 2018 In This Issue: Warren Housing Bill Presents a Clear Choice on CRA ● Moving Black People Around Does Not Equal Housing Choice ● Also : Jobs ● Shelter Shorts ● Request for Comment ● Events ● Resources + Moving Black People Around Does Not Equal Housing Choice Dominic Moulden, ONE DC, Gregory D. Squires, George Washington University, and Aristotle Theresa, Stoop Law There is much work to be...