
Showing posts from October 18, 2018

Using ArcGIS to Address Homelessness Webinar: Reminder to Register

On Monday, October 22, 2018 from 2:00 to 3:00 PM EDT , HUD will be hosting a webinar with Esri to discuss their ArcGIS tools communities can use to address homelessness. These tools include maps and mobile applications that help agencies, service providers, and Continuums of Care (CoCs): Conduct homeless Point-in-Time (PIT) counts Inventory homeless services Report homeless activity Analyze factors related to homelessness These tools are designed to work together as one integrated system that supports the community’s overall efforts to assist people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Nearly every county in the United States already pays for ArcGIS tools. These resources are highlighted in a new Using ArcGIS to Reduce Homelessness document, which also outlines how communities can find out who in their community currently pays for Esri resources. The webinar will provide a more in-depth discussion of the resources, including how communities have already us...

Sleeping is not a crime

A federal court recently ruled that people experiencing homelessness cannot be punished for sleeping outside in the absence of adequate alternatives. Last month, a federal court ruled that people experiencing homelessness cannot be punished for sleeping outside in the absence of adequate alternativ...

HUD Releases the 2017 AHAR Part 2 with Updated Data on Homelessness

HUD is pleased to announce the release of the 2017 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) Part 2 . This report furthers our understanding of homelessness in our country by looking at the number of people in shelters over the course of a full year and providing in-depth information about their characteristics and use of the homeless services system. HUD has published the AHAR each year since 2007 to give both national- and local-level information needed to track progress toward ending homelessness in the United States. This year’s report shows a modest decline in the number of people who experienced sheltered homelessness over the course of federal fiscal year (FFY) 2017 as compared to people who experienced sheltered homelessness in FFY 2016. There are 10.8 percent fewer people experiencing sheltered homelessness nationwide during FFY 2017 than in FFY 2007. This downward trend has been particularly striking for veteran populations, a testament to the impactful partnership...