The March 2019 ART Gallery Update includes the following updates to the ART Gallery available as of 03/04/2019:
- 0700 - Length of Time Homeless - Metric 1 - v5 - This report has been updated to include the requirement that the "Client Location" matches the providers CoC Code. The CoC Code prompt is now a required prompt in the report.
- 0700.1b - Length of Time Homeless - Metric 2 - v6 - This report has been updated to include the requirement that the "Client Location" matches the providers CoC Code. The CoC Code prompt is now a required prompt in the report.
- 0702 - Number of Homeless Persons - Metric 3.2 - v8 - This report has been updated to include the requirement that the "Client Location" matches the providers CoC Code. The CoC Code prompt is now a required prompt in the report.
The updated User Manuals for these revised reports will be available in ART by end of business tomorrow, 03/05/2019. We will continue to send out announcements as we release revised SPM (0700 Series)/DQF (0640) reports.
Please create a case in the Customer Community if you have further questions.