Affordable Housing is a Top National Priority

Best Practices A practical newsletter for people ending homelessness.

New Poll: Vast Majority of Americans Believe Affordable Housing Should Be a Top National Priority

A new national opinion poll released by the Opportunity Starts at Home Campaign shows that the majority of Americans believe that housing affordability is a priority issue for the nation. Among the key findings:
  • 91% of respondents say stable affordable housing is very important or one of the most important things that affect people's security and well-being in the United States.
  • 90% agree that as one of the most prosperous nations in the world, we should do more to prevent homelessness
  • 80% agree that Congress should "take major action" to make housing more affordable for low income people.
  • 76% believe that, compared with previous generations, it is harder today for people to find stable housing they can afford. 
See the full results >> 

Upcoming Webinar Helps You Prepare for the 2019 CoC Program Competition 

Save the Date: Apr 24, 2019 at 2:00 PM EDT 

A competitive Continuum of Care NOFA application can make all the difference in your community's resources to end homelessness. By preparing for the NOFA, you can make decisions that can build your system's capacity and make it more effective. Join experts from the Alliance to kick off a new series of webcasts, blogs and resources, all designed to help strengthen your system and prepare for the 2019 CoC NOFA.

Register here » 

Ask Your Senator to Support Increased Investments in Homeless Assistance

Last week, an unprecedented number of House Reps signed on to a "Dear Colleague" letter asking the House subcommittee that drafts HUD spending bills to include $3 billion for Homeless Assistance for fiscal year 2020.

This week, a similar letter is circulating in the Senate. The more Senators sign on to the letter, the more impact it will have when the subcommittee writes its bill later this year.

Please take a moment before Friday to to contact your Senators and ask them to sign on. The deadline has been extended to April 5

Take action here»

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