HUD Requests Input to Maximize Positive Impact on Opportunity Zones

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HUD Requests Input to Maximize Positive Impact on Opportunity Zones
HUD issued Federal Register Notice: Review of HUD Policy in Opportunity Zones which informs the public that HUD intends to maximize the beneficial impact of investment in Opportunity Zones. HUD is reviewing its existing policies, practices, planned actions, regulations, and guidance regarding HUD-administered programs and laws to identify actions HUD can take to encourage beneficial investment, both public and private, in urban and economically distressed communities, including qualified Opportunity Zones.
HUD is seeking input on ways to leverage tools and resources to maximize the positive impact of Opportunity Zones. View HUD's letter to Community Partners seeking input and recommendations from the public regarding potential agency actions.
Comments are due by June 17, 2019. Instructions for how to provide comments are included in the Notice.
If you have any questions, please contact Larry Jackson, CPD Program Advisor at
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