LSA Export Update
Our development team continues to review customer submitted issues and the Abt provided Flag Files. We're pleased to report that the latest file we received back from Abt shows a reduction of approximately 50% of vendor related flags.
We currently have several code changes to push to customers and anticipate doing so on Monday April 15th. We will do an updated News Announcement as soon as the export is ready. The change will include the following:
- Flag 132 - HHType and HHAdultAge counts issue. {Sample Code Issue}
- Flag 169 - RRH Housed Days {Sample Code/Export Specifications Issue}
- Flags 27602/27662/27663/27664/27673/27674 - TH counts issue {Sample Code Issue}
- Flag 27371 - CH persons in CH Only Beds {Sample Code/Export Specifications Issue}
- Flags 25404/25410/25411 - Provider not listed in Geography.csv file {WellSky Code Issue}
The following potential issues in Sample Code have been reported to Abt by WellSky and other vendors:
- ref_Population joins
- Project-level vs project type counts
- RRH Housed Days
- ES/SH/TH client counts
- Total Homeless Days counts
- Bed night counts for some clients
- Chronic Homeless definition
- RelationshipToHoH3
- System Path from prior qualifying exits
- Households that change over time
- Tracking Method in Where Clause
- Geography Information Date type
- HH Type
- Double counting of days homeless
- Date inserted is after Last Inactive
- Veteran Client counts in summary procedure
We will send out an announcement when we have updated the LSA export with our changes along with when the changes were applied. We will continue to send out LSA update announcements as we continue to work towards the vendor deadline of April 18
th, 2019.
Abt recommends that our customers continue to review the non-vendor errors/warnings in their flag files to determine what fixes, if any, are needed and then resubmit the file to get the errors cleared. Abt does not recommend that customers wait for vendors to make their changes before fixing any non-vendor errors/warnings.
Next week we will be releasing a revised "0227 - Project Descriptor Data Elements Data Quality" ART Gallery report with revisions specifically to make it easier to find LSA related provider data quality issues. More details will be provided when we send out the ART Gallery update announcement early next week.
Please create a case in the Customer Community if you have further questions.