Keep Families Together

Best Practices A practical newsletter for people ending homelessness.

Submit a Comment on HUD's Proposed Changes for "Mixed Status" Families

On May 10, 2019, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) proposed a rule change that would no longer allow "mixed-status" families – households with both documented and undocumented members – to qualify for federal housing assistance based on their immigration status. This proposed rule would force families out of public housing and Section 8 programs, effectively spurring homelessness, forced family breakups, and/or loss of housing assistance.

From now until July 9, you can submit a comment to HUD to oppose this proposed rule, which could lead to eviction for more than 100,000 people in HUD-assisted housing.

Submit a comment 

Introducing Stella

Stella is HUD's latest tool to help Continuums of Care (CoCs) analyze and strategize about how their systems are performing. The tool, available through HUDExchange, allows CoCs to examine their past system performances in order to maximize staff capacity to strategize for the future.

Stella has two modules: Stella P, which uses a series of dashboards and visuals to highlight disparities in homelessness systems, and Stella M, a forward-thinking resource tool to plan for possible future models. Stella M is still in production, but Stella P is now available.

Click here to learn more about how to use Stella. 

From the Alliance Blog

ICYMI: Webinar Roundup