LSA Export Update
Our development team continues to review customer submitted issues and the Abt provided Flag Files.
We currently have several code changes to push to customers and anticipate doing so on
Monday June 10th. We will do an updated News Announcement as soon as the export is ready. The announcement on Monday will show the time we applied the changes so that way you will know if your export was before or after the revision.
We highly encourage all customers to re-submit their LSA data after these changes have been applied so that you can get a new flag file from Abt and so that you can review the revised data in HDX. The new customer submission deadline for the LSA is
Monday, June 24th at 8:00 PM (EDT).
If after receiving your new Flag File from Abt you have questions about specific rows, please provide us with the below information:
- A copy of the full Flag File attached to the case.
- In the Case Description, please note the specific ID or IDs from the Flag File that you would like reviewed.
- In the Case Description; if possible; please provide additional details about the ID Error/Warning.
We have adjusted the sample code for the following sections:
- 4.21 HoH identifiers for LSAPerson
- 4.46 Set SystemPath for Exit Cohort HH
- 4.8 and 4.70 RelationshipToHoH DQ
- 4.50-4.51 Include SystemPath 8 & 9 in LOTH averages
- 4.8 MoveInDate for Household Members
- 4.35 Get Other Dates from 3.917
- 4.36 Include Other3917Days prior to LastInactive in TotalHomelessDays
- 4.69 Unduplicated count of adults in report period
- 4.59-4.64 ProjectType/TrackingMethod criteria
- 4.27 Exclude MoveInDates after ReportEnd (irrelevant)
- 4.6 Get Geography records
- (Throughout) Ensure DateDeleted is NULL
- 4.24 Correct 'DateDeleted is NOT null' to 'IS NULL'
- Correct TrackingMethod for Entry/Exit from 1 to 0
- 4.70 Identifying Adults for 3 Year DQ
- 4.8 fix WHERE clause
- 4.63-4.64 data source for population age
- 4.34 Get Dates of Other System Use
Please note these sections of sample code do not directly line up with the Flag File Ids in the reports provided to CoCs by Abt.
Please create a case in the Customer Community if you have further questions.