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News from the US Interagency Council on Homelessness

June 07, 2019
Together, we are ending homelessness.
Updated Criteria and Benchmarks for End of Veteran Homelessness
Our latest revisions to the Criteria and Benchmarks provide guidance on how to incorporate new Grant and Per Diem program models.
We Talk Low Barrier Emergency Shelter on This Podcast Episode
Be sure to incorporate this guidance from Regional Coordinator Katy Miller on strategies to assess and strengthen your emergency shelter system.
A Round-up of Resources for Your Emergency Shelter System
Use this list of resources to help transform your community's emergency response to people in need of immediate temporary accommodations.
News from Our Partners
Large Rural Area in Mississippi Ends Veteran Homelessness

We would like to congratulate our partners in the Mississippi Balance of State Continuum of Care for ending Vet homelessness in your area!

Chapin Hall Brief Outlines Missed Opportunities to Help Youth

This sixth in a series of briefs on understanding and addressing youth homelessness focuses on youth pathways through homelessness.
U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness
301 7th St. SW, Washington, DC 20407
Phone: 202.708.4663 / E-mail: