ICH-COC FY 2019 NOFA Webinar

July 19, 2019

Together, we are ending homelessness.

Webinar is Now Available!

CoC NOFA FY 2019: What's New and How to Build Upon Your Work to End Homelessness
In this webinar USICH Policy Director Susan Pourciau and Policy Analyst Katie Jennings provide a high-level overview of HUD's FY 2019 CoC Program NOFA, including policy priorities, scoring, and key changes from the FY 2018 NOFA. We also offer key considerations and resources for communities as they embark upon the FY 2019 Application Process.

U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness
301 7th St. SW, Washington, DC 20407
Phone: 202.708.4663 / E-mail: usich@usich.gov