FY 2019 HOME Match Reductions List Updated

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FY 2019 HOME Match Reductions List Updated
Updates to the FY 2019 HOME Match Reductions list have been posted on the HUD Exchange. This list includes match reductions granted for FY 2019 due to fiscal distress, severe fiscal distress, and Presidential disaster declarations. For those Participating Jurisdictions (PJs) with both fiscal distress and Presidential disaster match reductions, the PJ may take the higher match reduction for the current fiscal year.
Note: The match reduction rates for fiscal distress for Hawaii, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont, have been corrected to a 50% reduction. No other revisions were made.
The HOME Program resource pages provide program guidance, tools, trainings, reports, and other resources for the HOME Program.
Visit the HUD Exchange at https://www.hudexchange.info