1. Reminder: Quarterly Certifications Due July 22, 2019
2. New: Grantee Video Highlights Outreach Efforts to Unsheltered Veterans in Kansas and Missouri
3. Reminder: SSVF Income and Benefits Calculator
4. Canceled: July SSVF National Webinar
Reminder: Quarterly Certifications Due July 22, 2019
The Quarterly Certifications are now available in GIFTS. This certification will cover the third quarter period of 04/01/2019 through 6/30/2019. The certification covers multiple SSVF program requirements, including Compliance with the Final Rule, Grant Agreement, Data Quality, Participant Satisfaction Surveys, Trainings/Webinars, and Expenditures. Submissions are due no later than July 22, 2019, via the GIFTS grants management system.
Grantees are reminded that the SSVF Program Office requests information on Veteran households that have received Rapid Resolution conversations and enrollments in SSVF Rapid Resolution services. Grantees will report these numbers in their Quarterly Certifications under the Rapid Resolution Conversations and Enrollments section the Quarterly Certification requirement in GIFTS.
The updated SSVF Companion Guide to Quarterly Certifications is available on the SSVF Website at:
New: Grantee Video Highlights Outreach Efforts to Unsheltered Veterans in Kansas and Missouri
The SSVF Program Office would like to share a video highlighting the work being done by The Salvation Army SSVF provider in Kansas and Missouri. The short video describes how SSVF outreach efforts are connecting resources to some of the hardest to serve Veterans. SSVF providers explain that many unsheltered Veterans don't trust the system, some don't know what's available, and others simply don't know where to find resources. "I do not believe that anyone wants to be homeless; we just haven't found the right housing for them," explains Rachel Pederson, SSVF Program Director for Salvation Army. The video was produced by the Salvation Army in Kansas City, Missouri and you can enjoy watching it at the link below:
Reminder: SSVF Income and Benefits Calculator
Veterans who work or receive VA disability benefits may also qualify to receive SSA benefits. For cash benefits, the receipt of VA benefits or income from work will affect SSI and SSDI differently. The SSVF Income and Benefits Calculator is a tool designed to provide an estimate of how Veterans can combine income from Social Security Administration (SSA) disability benefits, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and employment to maximize their income and housing stability. The latest version of the SSVF Income and Benefits Calculator and a link to the SSVF Income and Benefits Calculator Webinar can be found on the SSVF Website under the Connections to Mainstream Benefits tab here:
Canceled: July SSVF National Webinar
The National Webinar for July has been canceled. The next SSVF National Webinar will take place on August 8, 2:00 EDT.
Thank you,
SSVF Program Office