Preserving Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Properties

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Preserving Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Properties
Is your Continuum interested in preserving Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy (Mod Rehab SRO) Properties? HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) provides a long-term project-based option.
Does your Continuum of Care (CoC) have Section 8 Mod Rehab SRO units as part of its housing stock? Is your CoC interested in helping property owners obtain long-term project-based Section 8 assistance to preserve these properties and potentially leverage additional financing to assist with rehabilitation and converting SROs into studios or 1-bedroom units? RAD enables eligible owners of Section 8 Mod Rehab SROs to convert their properties to become financially and physically stable.
For more information, please see the Fact Sheet for Local CoCs on the Conversion of McKinney Mod Rehab SRO Properties Under RAD or contact the Office of Recapitalization at with questions or to discuss specific properties.
RAD Team
Office of Recapitalization
Office of Multifamily Housing Programs
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
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