Please note that many CoC and ESG programs will not be affected by this final rule, however organizations that are impacted should review these important resources.
In December 2016, HUD published new housing counseling certification standards. The Housing Counseling Certification Requirements Final Rule implements statutory requirements that housing counseling required under or provided in connection with all HUD programs must be provided by HUD Certified Housing Counselors by August 1, 2020.
The CoC and ESG Programs may be affected by the final rule in the following scenarios:
- A rapid re-housing program contracts with an agency to provide housing counseling as defined in § 5.100 to its program participants.
- A local government funds a supportive services only (SSO) program where housing counseling is a separate, specialized service provided to individuals and families experiencing homelessness and meets the definition of housing counseling as defined in § 5.100.
Note that providing holistic case management does not trigger the Housing Counseling Final Rule.
- Partner with existing Housing Counseling Agencies (HCAs) to deliver services
- Become a HUD-approved HCA