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Where Anti-Displacement Organizing Should Start

Week of December 9
In This Issue: Anti-Displacement Organizing Should Start Here Bike Lanes Aren't Just a White Thing Trickle Up Housing: Filtering Does Go Both Ways Also: Jobs ● Industry News Events In Case You Missed It +
Seema Agnani, National CAPACD
Organizing in Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities has challenges, but their location and composition make them key in the fight against gentrification. Here’s why and what AAPI-inclusive anti-displacement organizing looks like . . . Read Full Article
Terrence T. McDonald, Reporter
Neighborhoods of color are often more dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists, but they are also often left behind when local officials redesign streets to make them safer. How can we change this? Read Full Article
From the Shelterforce archive:
Miriam Axel-Lute, Shelterforce
Building homes for extremely low-income people allows other homes to filter up to people in need—a better bet than waiting for luxury units to trickle down. Read Full Article

Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2 p.m. ET | Inclusionary Housing Policies: Incentives and Lessons from Atlanta | A Grounded Solutions Network webinar on how Inclusionary Housing programs work and the city of Atlanta’s Inclusionary Housing Program. Register here.

The Center for Active Design has released their newest publication, Healthcare: A Cure for Housing, which calls for accelerated investments connecting healthcare and affordable housing. The report features six case studies, each highlighting a different healthcare stakeholder.
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You Said It
Abby Crisostomo: Nice, nuanced article about walking the fine line between advocating for community revitalization / regeneration and preventing gentrification. Via Twitter

Deyanira Zavala: Communities of color & those that have been disenfranchised for generations by historic inequities shouldn’t have to beg and plead for land. #publicland for #publicgood! Via Twitter

Michael Lewyn: Choice (b) sounds a lot like “move to suburbia.” Haven’t white people (and then middle-class black people) been doing that for decades? How’s that been working out? Choice (a) sounds like . . . Read More

Beth Osborne: Everything about affordability is complex. But refusing to build what is in demand is never going to lead to affordability. That is literally impossible. Via Twitter

Alliance Housing Inc: Placing life’s daily necessities within a half-mile walking distance is how we built cities for thousands of years. Via Twitter

Jason Henderson: Densifying suburbs is on point and this is well articulated. Also consider all the short driving trips in suburbs that can shift to . . . Via Twitter

Chris: In a nation where it has been taken for granted that the government should “invest” in roads, I still find it surprising that we are tentative about whether the government should . . . Read More

Roberto Requejo: #RentControl is not the magic policy to solve every housing problem everywhere, but a tool that cities should have at their disposal for when it's needed. Via Twitter
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Real Estate Development Director, Community Frameworks, Spokane, Washington ● The Real Estate Development Director supports the CEO in the implementation of the vision, mission, programmatic and business objectives of Community Frameworks (CF) as set forth by the Board of Directors. They also manage real estate activities, providing oversight and leadership to . . . Read Full Listing
Tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor of Real Estate Development, New Orleans, Louisiana ● The Tulane University School of Architecture is seeking qualified candidates in Real Estate Development at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor. This position will support our educational mission in the teaching of real estate development at both . . . Read Full Listing
Executive Director, City Roots Community Land Trust, Inc., Rochester, New York ● Reporting to a community-led Board of Directors, the Executive Director (ED) provides direction and leadership for the mission and vision of City Roots, represents the organization and its work, and manages day-to-day operations. The ED . . . Read Full Listing
Executive Director, Affordable Housing, Wisconsin Partnership for Housing Development, Wisconsin ● Reporting to the Board of Directors and managing a team of three, the Executive Director is responsible for ensuring that the real estate development activities and other WPHD programs advance WPHD’s mission, vision, policy and strategic . . . Read Full Listing
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