
Showing posts from April 1, 2019

USICH Webinars!

Don't Miss Them! ‌ ‌ April 1, 2019 Together, we are ending homelessness. Don't Miss These Upcoming Webinars! Aligning Affordable Housing Efforts with Actions to End Homelessness Susan Pourciau and Katy Miller will walk you through the strategies in our latest tool and get your feedback on how we can best support your work to implement them. April 3, 2019 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Eastern Register Now! Youth Homelessness De...

MCAP: The countdown is on!

Maryland Community Action Partnership 2019 Human Service Conference May 6-9, 2019 Delta Hotels Baltimore Hunt Valley 245 Shawan Rd. Hunt Valley, MD 21031 Let the Countdown Begin! Don't miss out on the best human services conference of the year! Guest speakers, awards and plenary speakers, networking reception, and much more. Book your reduced rate hotel room now and register today! Helpful Links...

No April Fool - Only Four Days Left!

Then You Pay Full Price! Then it Jumps to Full Price for CSH Summit 2019 Time is running out so don't delay .  Get a lower CSH Supportive Housing Summit 2019 re...

ART Gallery Update

The April 1st, 2019 ART Gallery Update includes the following update to the ART Gallery available as of 04/01/2019: 0704 - Number of Persons First Time Homeless - Metric 5 - v5 -   This report has been updated to include the requirement that the "Client Location" matches the providers CoC Code. The CoC Code prompt is now a required prompt in the report. We added an extra alerter to Tab B; "Possible Household Error Only"; this will show groups without a head of household, clients without a completed Relationship to Head of Household and single clients that are not marked as head of household. This completes the updates for the 0700 series aka System Performance Measures (SPM) reports. The last report is the "0640 - HUD Data Quality Framework Report". We currently expect to release the revised 0640 report in mid to late April. As we get closer to the exact release dat...