
Showing posts from April 22, 2019

Attention ESG Recipients: Subrecipient Setup Requirements in IDIS

Resources and assistance to support HUD's community partners Home Programs Resources Training Attention ESG Recipients: Subrecipient Setup Requirements in IDIS Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program recipients are required to identify their subrecipient organizations and corresponding funding amounts in the Integrated Disbursement and Informat...

FY 2019 CoC Program Registration: CoC Review Step Deadline Extended to Friday, April 26, 2019

Resources and assistance to support HUD's community partners Home Programs Resources Training FY 2019 CoC Program Registration: CoC Review Step Deadline Extended to Friday, April 26, 2019 This message only applies to Continuums of Care (CoCs) and their Collaborative Applicants. This is phase 2 of the process in which CoCs will review HUD’s deter...

ICYMI - Yoga for Whole Health, #BeThere to help prevent suicide, and other VA Top Stories - April 19, 2019

"This Week at VA" is a digital newsletter with top news and stories from across the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs TOP PHOTO: Marine Corps Veteran Lohrke Armstrong (right) participates in a yoga class held at the Fort Worth VA Outpatient Clinic. Yoga is just one of many programs offered to our Veterans through recreation therapy at several VA medical facilities. ( Photo by Jennifer Roy for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs) READ MORE ABOUT YOGA FOR WHOLE HEALTH TOP STORIES Preventing Veteran suicide begins when you are willing to #BeThere You don't need to have special training to support the Veterans in your life, and we can all do something to help a Veteran who is going through a difficult time. READ MORE American Legion Auxiliary partners with VA to help Veterans find their way around VA hospitals The VA is prou...