
Showing posts from June 18, 2019

Training and Employment Services - Opioid Grant

Economic and Workforce Development received grant funds from the State Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation to provide employment and/or training services to persons either directly or indirectly impacted by the opioid crisis or persons wanting to become a Certified Peer Recovery Specialist.  The only requirement is that they live in Baltimore County or are considered homeless. For more information, contact Maryann Ferguson via or 410-288-9050 x402.

NOLA Brings a Holistic Focus to Resilience

How the EU Controls Bidding Wars for Jobs and Investment ● Make the Cost of Home Something We Can All Afford ● Building Resilience and Preserving History in Charleston ● NOLA Brings a Holistic Focus to Resilience ● Also: Jobs ● Shelter Shorts + Week of Monday, June 18 In This Issue: How the EU Controls Bidding Wars for Jobs and Investment ● Make the Cost of Home Something We Can All Afford ● Building Resilience and Preserving History in Charleston ● NOLA Brings a Holistic Focus to Resilience ● Also: Jobs ● Shelter Shorts ● Events + NOLA Brings a Holistic Focus to Resilience Katy Reckdahl , Journalist The wor...