
Showing posts from October 10, 2019

October News - It's Weatherization month!

      MCAP News   October 2019 Join us on social media! Click below to like, follow, and share.         October is Weatherization Month! WX staff members examine the crawl space of a clients home during the assessment Weatherization Programs Administered by the Community Action Council of Howard County Help People on All Walks of Life The CAC assists low to moderate income homeowners and renters permanently reduce their energy bills by making their homes more energy efficient.  Services are based on an energy audit and typically include installing insulation, reducing air infiltration, sealing and repairing ducts, and tuning and repairing heating and cooling units. Many clients need these services to improve their living conditions for their health, financial health, and efficiency of the home. ...

Headlines: Latest News from SAMHSA

October 10, 2019 The SAMHSA Headlines—Your one-stop source for the latest from SAMHSA. Events Training and events are available for practitioners through many of SAMHSA's Training and Technical Assistance Centers. Some of these are highlighted below. Note that some of them require advance registration. Visit SAMHSA's Practitioner Training webpage  for a more complete listing. The Impact of CLAS & the Peer Recovery Movement: Supporting Homeless and Recovering Individuals – Webinar Wednesday, October 16, 2019 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EDT This webinar will discuss how healthcare organizations can ensure that awareness, adoption, and implementation of the national CLAS Standards incorporate this more inclusive definition of culture in order to better serve persons in the recovery community. Stimulant Use Disorders: Epidemiology, Clinical Cha...

Homelessness Prevention Toolkit

Although this toolkit was designed for grantees of this program, many CoCs have found it useful for their other Homelessness Prevention agencies.   Download the toolkit by clicking on the image below.          

WEBINAR: Enhancing coordinated entry in your community

See how the Ventura County Continuum of Care (COC) has united both public and private systems of care to work together toward ending homelessness, including Behavioral health professionals, 2-1-1, law enforcement, health care systems, adult protective services, the local Area Agency on Aging and other human services professionals. Coordinated Entry: How Ventura County established a diverse support network Wednesday, Oct. 23 | 2pm ET / 11am PT  The Ventura County Continuum of Care (CoC) runs an expansive coordinated entry system, bringing together organizations from across law enforcement, health care, aging services, and other human services fields. This webinar will share the best practices and technologies the county uses to unite such a diverse range of providers, case management systems, and workflows. Register now This webinar is ideal for any organiza...

Updated Resource: SOAR Integration Toolkit

SSVF and SOAR Integration Toolkit Updated Resource: SOAR Integration Toolkit The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) recently released updates to the Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) and SOAR Integration Toolkit . This comprehensive guide is an invaluable resource for communities for serving both Veterans and non-Veterans . Specialized guidance in the toolkit includes: Determining SOAR Specialist staffing levels for your community Cost-sharing and subcontracting models for supporting dedicated SOAR Specialists Identifying child and adult applicants and prioritizing assistance using data from common assessment tools and the local Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Maximizing income through employment and benefits planning using the VA Income and Benefits Calculator ...