Free Yoga, Hiring Our Heroes, SVA NatCon 2020, Marine NCAA Lacrosse Coach
Recent VA Blogs and News Releases #VetResources - for Veterans, their Families, Caregivers, and Survivors Sign up for this weekly newsletter at View and share as a webpage Podcast: Marine Chris Burke, Head Coach Mitchell Shafer, NCAA Lacrosse After getting injured in Afghanistan, Chris Burke walked on to a NCAA Lacrosse program. After playing, he is now the defensive coordinator for the youngest coach in NCAA Lacrosse. They both discuss how their relationship and coaching cross the civilian-military gap. LISTEN LEARN MORE Hiring Our Heroes helps Veterans, military and mil spouses find jobs Hiring Our Heroes offers Career Summits, a Resume Engine, Vet Roadmap for career resources and a Veteran Fellowship Program - a six week paid internship. Discuss and follow HOH's President Q&A on RallyPoint LEARN...