
Showing posts from November 14, 2019

Updates from NCHV

Updates from NCHV | Volume 01 | November 2019 New HUD Numbers Show Decline in Veteran Homelessness Veteran homelessness has decreased by 2.1 percent between 2018 and 2019, and by 50 percent since 2010. These encouraging numbers came from data that will be included in HUD's Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) and were announced by Secretary Ben Carson on November 12. Read more here Social Security Webinar: Ticket to Work and Employment Supports for Veterans November 20, 3:00 pm ET Find out how Ticket to Work resources can help veterans with disabilities prepare for successful post-service careers. With  free  services and support from Ticket to Work service providers, you can find help as you make ...

HUD Announces Continued Decline in Veteran Homelessness

Resources and assistance to support HUD's community partners Home Programs Resources Training HUD Announces Continued Decline in Veteran Homelessness Since last year, 793 more veterans now have a roof over their heads . During a press conference on November 12, 2019 at Harbor Homes in Manchester, New Hampshire, U.S. Housing and Urban Developme...

SP 5.13.3 is Now Available

ServicePoint 5.13.3 is now available. This is considered a " minor " release. This release includes only updates to the following areas of Community Services (formerly ServicePoint): Updates to the PATH Report Resolved minor visibility issue with Current Living Situation sub-assessment. Release notes can be found in the Libraries area of the WellSky Customer Community . Please create a case in the Customer Community if you have any questions. Copyright © 2019 Wellsky. All Rights Reserved. 11711 W. 79th St, Lenexa, KS 66214

New Data Shows Decline in Veteran Homelessness

Best Practices A practical newsletter for people ending homelessness. New Data Shows Decline in Vete...

File Disability Claims Online, VA care from your VSO post, Vietnam Veteran Lapels

What's your funniest salute story? #VetResources  - for Veterans, their Families, Caregivers, and Survivors Sign up for this weekly newsletter at View and share as a webpage Share your experiences on RallyPoint Humor gets us through the toughest times and is one of the many topics discussed on RallyPoint. RP a place for servicemembers and Veterans to connect both socially and professionally. Members can find a battle buddy, build relationships across branches, MOS's, and deployments forged by the common bond of service.  DISCUSS New Disability Claims Tool Tutorial Videos This new self service tool dramatically simplifies the process of submitting disability claims. The platform help Veterans provide clear and complete information which speeds up the adjudication time for Veterans to receive a claims dec...