Integrating Housing & Services: The Path Forward

Integrating Housing & Services 

Our clarion call is making sure that all people, particularly those with the greatest needs, have a place in the community and the support they need to thrive. We are advancing supportive housing as an approach for change that: leans in to address the root causes of inequity; breaks down silos; creates smarter and better-integrated systems; and builds more resilient communities.

Scaling supportive housing through systems integration can ensure housing for vulnerable people while creating a community-based infrastructure for health and human services.

How Do We Get There?

Supportive housing as a multi-sector approach enhances its potential to help us achieve the promise of equitable systems and communities with a place for everyone. CSH sees the potential to build on innovations like coordinated entry and integrated administrative data to bring more partners and resources to the table and more nimbly address community need.

That's why we are prioritizing six critical systems as we work to develop the multi-sector leadership and capacity needed to scale investment: Health care; Justice; Families, Youth, and Children; Aging; Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities; and Affordable Housing. We see those sectors as a tipping point that collectively represent over 75 percent of our national supportive housing need projection

An Equity Framework

Racial inequity is a strong and constant undercurrent in many challenges communities face and there is a starkly disproportionate representation of people of color experiencing homelessness and institutionalization. Racial equity, and an intentional focus on it, is essential to broader progress. We believe supportive housing can be a lasting and equalizing force that recognizes structural racism and addresses systemic policies to eliminate disparities. 

Harnessing Data

As we continue to broaden the application of housing and services to meet new demands and bring new systems and partners to bear, we all must work together to align data, analytics, and research around the role of housing and community-based services as a social determinant.

The Training Center includes hundreds of webinars and webinar series, self-paced online classes and videos. You can also search our extensive library of supportive housing research, programs, papers, data, profiles, tools, cases and evaluations, to learn more.

Fair Housing Overview

Our February 5 webinar is a great primer for landlords, advocates and service providers to understand and implement Fair Housing policies and trainings with an equity lens.

FUSE for Health Centers

Our free virtual training is a tutorial on how health centers can partner to start FUSE initiatives for people with high needs who are frequently using multiple and costly public systems.